Dr. Elizabeth Donner – 2015

Dravet Canada Research Grant Recipient

Elizabeth Donner, MD, MSc, FRCPC
– Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Elizabeth Donner and her team were awarded $20 000 for their project entitled “A Case-Control Study of SUDEP in Dravet Spectrum Disorders (DSD)”. Their first objective is to create a network of collaborators to identify Dravet Spectrum Disorders SUDEP cases and Dravet Spectrum Disorders living controls. Collaborations will be established with DSD advocacy groups and clinical experts working in DSD. Working with the North American SUDEP Registry, they will assemble collaborators from Canada, the US, Europe, Asia and Australia to optimize case ascertainment of SUDEP in Dravet Syndrome. Several collaborations are already established. Each participating centre will obtain institutional research ethics board approval. Their second objective is to determine the frequency of recognized and novel risk factors for SUDEP in DSD. A case-control cohort will be assembled.