Our Stories

Stories of those whose lives and loved ones are touched by Dravet.

Dravet Canada - Our Stories

Daniela’s Story

Daniela’s story….. living with the challenges of a seizure disorder Funny thing, but I knew from conception that I was going to have a girl and I would name her in honour of my husband’s sister, may she rest in peace. My husband believed I ‘willed the baby’ to be a girl, our special angel. Little did we know how special our daughter would be! As a first time mom, I doted on my little… Read more »

Gavin W. - Dravet Canada

Gavin’s Story

I will start by giving you a brief background to our story. My husband, Jack and I are the proud parents of three sons, Zachary age 24, Sheldon age 22, and Gavin age 16. We were like any typical Canadian family, hockey on Saturdays, baseball in the summers, church on Sundays, and Mc Donalds drive thru after groceries. Then epilepsy struck our family, after the birth of our third son, Gavin. I had a fantastic… Read more »